Pinelands Oven Fresh BakeryPinelands Oven Fresh Bakery was acquired as a deliberate strategy of PCW to broaden its economic scope and to move the organisation towards economic sustenance over the long run. The original plan was to build a business from scratch but early in 1999 PCW became aware of a bakery that was being sold as a going concern and decided to take this option. There was a clear advantage in purchasing a business that was established for 5 years with recorded growth in an established market. Pinelands Oven Fresh Bakery was opened for business during the 3rd Quarter 1999, with the corporate name of Amalgamated Baking Company Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Pinelands Inc. Oven Fresh Bakery specialises in producing traditional, wholesome barbadian breads, cakes and pastries. The product line includes:- Bajan Salt Bread, Pone, Coconut Turnovers, Coconut Slices, Bread Pudding etc.. The bakery supplies products to clients across Barbados as well as to the immediate Pinelands/Wildey communities. Its location within the Wildey Industrial Park allows Oven Fresh Bakeryto sell breakfast and lunch dishes, from its on-site deli, to the workers from the various surrounding companies. In addition, Pinelands Oven Fresh Bakery will use its community ties to establish independent operators to retail its products in the major low-income housing developments in Barbados. Current sales revenue stands at Bds $360,000 per annum and is expected to grow by 8% annually. The bakery currently employs a staff of 12 persons for both the baking and deli operations. |