Sophia Greaves joined PCW in 1992 as Executive Secretary to the Executive Director. Over the years Sophia worn many hats within the organisation on both the social and cultural sides. She has been Projects Implementation Officer as well as Special Projects Co-ordinator. She has co-ordinated or assisted in the co-ordination of such varied projects as:- The Regional Road March Competition- 1995; Mandela Youth Group of England Youth Exchange-1995; Errol Barrow Festival-1994-1996; Junior Calypso Competition -1997-1998; Pinelands Youth Summer Camp-1998; Regional Tour of "Shades of I-She" dramatic production- 1999-2000; The PCW Multi-media Production of "Dance, Drums & Dieties-Ballet de Nature"- 2000.
Sophia has represented Barbados at the CYP Youth Exchange to Trinidad & Tobago-1992; Workshop with NCH Action for Children & Penal Reform International-Working at Alternative to Incarceration -1994; Entrepreneurial Summit - San Jose, Costa Rica-1996.
Sophia currently manages the Marcus Garvey Resource & Development Centre. In this capacity she conceptualises, structures, develops and co-ordinates (in conjunction with many of PCW's Partner Agencies) a wide variety of social, self development and business development programs that cater to a wide spectrum of society including the youth, the socially disadvantaged and micro enterprise entrepreneurs.