Curtis Gittens sits on the Middle Management Team of Pinelands Creative Workshop and is also the Cultural and Social Development Training Officer of the Organisation. Although having previously performed with P.C.W, he officially became a member in 1994 as a Singer and Dramatist. He also coordinates the transportation for all group activities.
Mr Gittens has appeared in many of PCW dance and multi- media productions locally, regionally and internationally. He also appeared on National Television during an Educational Series entitled " Home and Family" which depicted short dramatic scenarios. His Talent as a dramatist earned him the lead role in a PCW drama production entitled " Of Snakes and Grasshoppers" which played to a local audience and was also aired on national television.
Curtis has Co-ordinated the Pinelands Junior Calypso Competition and the Inter Pinelands Community Quiz.
Mr Gittens attended two certified training courses, namely Training Of Trainers in 1998 and The Middle Management course in 1999 organize by NCH Action For Children in association with The School of Continuing Studies as a representative of PCW. As a result of this training, Curtis has since coordinated a Leadership Course for Community Leaders, have facilitated a two hour leadership skills training session for a group of under 17 footballers, organized an Adolescent Program targeting young persons from among three local communities. He has conducted sessions on Communication as well as Self Esteem targeting boys from select schools as part of a National Initiative entitled " Get On Board. He facilitated a three hour workshop for dental officers entitled "Using drama as a means of Communication"